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Student Testimonials

Spring 2015

  • My experience at the Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference in Baltimore was a positive one that I am so grateful for. Not only was it a great opportunity to network with other students, I was able to learn about similar projects at other schools. It was a great way to learn how to manage our own projects here in Bentley’s Students for Sustainable Business by connecting with other students and learning about proper project management, and better understanding how to overcome green buzzwords as just a trend to better engage the student body as a whole and therefore help to educate our peers. This made it such a successful opportunity because I am now fortunate enough to share what I have learned in order to help Bentley become even more of a sustainable campus.

-Emily Jones, Spring 2016


  • I have never had a more impactful experience in my entire life. Prior to the conference I was unsure as to how I would incorporate sustainability into business. During the conference I sat in on numerous breakout sessions and listened to endless business professionals speaking on how their companies manage to be sustainable in a world where large strides need to be made everywhere. I listened to not only corporate companies talk about how their goal starts in the supply chain, but I also listened to investors describe the process in which they investigate companies before committing to an investment in order to make sure that the day to day operations of the company are sustainable. I was able to talk to numerous professionals in the field and receive insight on what their day to day responsibilities are as heads of sustainability and social responsibility within their companies. I had no idea the world of sustainable business had so many opportunities and was so large until this conference, and it was a truly eye opening experience. I now know what my next step is in order to pursue a career and a future in sustainable business.

Christina Clune Persichetti, 2019


As the Students for Sustainable Business VP of Environmental Programs, the opportunity for me to attend the Smart and Sustainable Campuses’ Student Summit in Baltimore was huge for my personal sustainable ambitions as well as the future of sustainability at Bentley. Thanks to the Delongchamp family grant, I was able to learn a lot about ways to make our campus more sustainable, and ways to get everybody involved in environmental sustainability by using social sustainability and creating communities on campus. I am very grateful for this opportunity and I really encourage other students at Bentley to apply for this grant. You gain so much more knowledge about sustainability by interacting with peers across the country than you ever could in a classroom.

- Danny Jenzano, 2018


Fall 2015

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to travel to Seattle to attend the Net Impact 2015 Conference! As the founder of Bentley’s Net Impact chapter this semester, the conference was an incredible opportunity for me to learn more about what makes an effective chapter, the impact that other chapters are making, and many more amazing things in the world of sustainable business. 

Connor Holbrook, 2017​

My experience at the (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) AASHE conference in Minneapolis was a very beneficial one. Being the Vice President of Environmental Programs for the Students for Sustainable Business, it’s very important for me to meet students from other universities across the country and learn from them. The biggest thing that I took away from this conference was definitely ideas on how to make Bentley a more sustainable campus. Sometimes the best ideas are ones that other people have already come up with, and this conference allowed me to hear those ideas in face to face conversations with my peers. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to go to this conference and I believe it taught me a lot about sustainability.

 - Danny Jenzano, 2018



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