Give ‘N Go Gets Better and Better
Bentley’s Year End “Donate your Stuff” Program Breaks Records in 2016
WALTHAM MA. - May 27, 2016. As the final moving trucks towed away their haul, the many volunteers of Bentley University’s Give ‘N Go program left feeling accomplished and proud. Bentley University’s unique move out program calls for faculty and staff volunteers to assist in the proper repurposing of students’ used goods as they head home for the summer.
Launched by students, for students and now run by Bentley’s Office of Sustainability, Give ‘N Go at Bentley University gives used items a place to call home. Faculty and staff volunteer their own time, some to get a better chance to interact with students, and others for the feel-good feeling of volunteering. Over the course of the five-day move out period students donated their usable items as guided by the volunteers. Students of the university also had the opportunity to flash their ID’s and swap items. Items ranged from the ever popular Ramen noodles to couches, and just about everything in between. At the end of the day, the items were loaded up and donated to various local charities, such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, and local food pantries.
This year was Give ‘N Go’s best- with the largest amount of usable goods and non-perishable foods donated. 994 lbs of non-perishable food items were donated to Salvation Army, and local food pantries. And a whopping 14,205 lbs of reusable goods were donated to the Goodwill Northern New England. This made for a total of 15,199 lbs of re-purposed items put to good use, which could have easily been thrown out.
While the Office of Sustainability- the people behind the Give ‘N Go program- are proud of this accomplishment, they are already focused on making next year even better. Their goal is to increase knowledge of Give ‘N Go among the student body, increase the amount of items donated, thus decreasing the amount thrown away during move out week.

This year was Give ‘N Go’s best- with the largest amount of usable goods and non-perishable foods donated. 994 lbs of non-perishable food items were donated to Goodwill, Salvation Army, and local food pantries. And a whopping 14,205 lbs of reusable goods were donated to the Goodwill and Salvation Army. This made for a total of 15,199 lbs of re-purposed items put to good use, which could have easily been thrown.
While the Office of Sustainability- the people behind the Give ‘N Go program- are proud of this accomplishment, they are already focused on making next year even better. Their goal is to increase knowledge of Give ‘N Go, increase the amount of items donated, and to decreased the amount thrown away during move out week- which hit 146,580 lbs this year.